E.T. the Extra Terrestrial

ET the Extra Terrestrial

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial took the world by storm.

E.T the Extra-Terrestrial was a smash hit which took the world by storm.   A family movie about an alien encounter that painted the alien in the same light we try to paint ourselves as galactic explorers, both in real life missions and in our sci-fi fantasy genres.  Steven Spielberg set his 1982 classic on the contemporary suburban backdrop in a single parent family, giving a sense of realism to the audience and leaving an indelible mark on pop culture. The enduring legacy transcends the boundaries of age, nationality, and time.

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At its core, “E.T.” is a story about connection, belonging, and the universal human experience of longing for understanding and acceptance. The film follows Elliott, a middle child, grappling with the absence of his father and the complexities of childhood, as he discovers and befriends an extraterrestrial stranded on Earth. Their bond transcends language barriers and physical differences, illustrating the innate human capacity for empathy and compassion. The film’s portrayal of Elliott’s family, particularly his relationship with his siblings and mother, offers a nuanced exploration of the complexities of familial bonds and the challenges of navigating adolescence.

But the magic of the movie is its ability to evoke a sense of wonder and imagination, capturing the essence of childhood curiosity and the limitless possibilities of the unknown. Spielberg masterfully crafts a narrative that balances moments of exhilarating adventure with poignant reflections on identity, home, and the intricacies of human emotion. The iconic image of Elliott and E.T. flying across the moon encapsulates the film’s magical realism, blending the fantastical with the deeply human.  The film’s portrayal of alien life and extraterrestrial encounters has shaped contemporary perceptions of outer space, fostering a sense of curiosity and exploration that resonates in scientific endeavors and space exploration initiatives. Moreover, “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial” has inspired countless works of art, literature, and film, serving as a touchstone for narratives exploring themes of alienation, friendship, and the quest for belonging.

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Take this opportunity to re-experience some of that magic, share “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial” with your extended family.  Relive some nostalgia, with bmx bikes and kids playing in the streets unattended. Talk about the familial bond that sees the children pulling together so that E.T. can phone home on Halloween.  Spielberg’s visionary direction, coupled with outstanding performances and a poignant narrative, offer timeless lessons on the human condition.  This universal appeal, cements “E.T.” as a cultural phenomenon that continues to inspire and resonate with audiences across the globe.


Author: Battlestar