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The movie The Twilight Zone hit theaters in 1983

Produced by Steven Spielberg, working in collaboration with 3 other directors this homage to the 1960s TV show and it’s creator Rod Sterling is a series of 4 vignettes. The movie was marketed as a horror, scifi, but given the quality of horror films of it’s era, it is disappointing in this regard. Due to it’s science fiction and nostalgic appeal however, the movie was a box-office success, giving the green light for a subsequent relaunch of an updated Twilight zone TV series and should be watched if you are a fan of either series.

The movie begins with great music and an introductory prologue starring Dan Aykroyd which helps to tie the vignettes together. This and the first segment were directed by John Landis (Trading Places & Micheal Jackson’s Thriller). The first segment takes a Twilight Zone look at racism. Spielberg directed the second segment, a more whimsical look at life, aging, and missed opportunities. The third portion is directed by Joe Dante (Innerspace & The Burbs), this story is an actual remake of a 1960s episode about a child with the power to create his heart’s desire. Lastly George Miller (Mad Max) directs John Lithgow in a personal horror about gremlins and a fear of flying. Lithgow, as always, is superb; he depicts an aerophobic man whose anxieties descend into panic, followed by a psychological breakdown when he witnesses a gremlin tearing apart the plane that he is in.

Nostalgia, vintage and memorabilia lovers are going to really enjoy this movie. The Twilight Zone movie encapsulates the 1980s not only with both it’s look and feel but also its method of story telling. True to the original show’s plot twists, this movie incorporated the new wave and heavy metal bubble gum culture of the era. When the movie is over you almost want to buy some vinyl records and get a big hair style.

The post Twilight Zone The Movie appeared first on Classic TV and Movies.
