Mad Max 1979

Mad Max

Mad Max debuted in 1979

Set in a post-apocalyptic Australia, Mad Max is an action film series created by George Miller and Byron Kennedy. It follows the adventures of police officer Max Rockatansky who patrols the roads of a society in collapse due to war and resource shortages. His life takes a dark turn when his wife and child are murdered by a biker gang. He becomes a vigilante and and takes revenge for his family by killing the bikers. Attention…this is VERY VIOLENT, if you don’t have the stomach for gore, select something else to watch.

Most of the movie was filmed in and around Melbourne and lasted for six weeks. It was Mel Gibson’s first lead role, for which he earned $15K. Mad Max was filmed on a budget of $400k but earned more than $100 million usd world wide. The film held the Guinness record for the most profitable film. Some unknown sources credit this movie with helping to create a demand for Australian New Wave films. Being low budget means being low tech, and this makes Mad Max hyper realistic and relatable, a movie viewers connect with.

Mad Max stands the test of time as both a cult classic and a work of art. and has inspired 3 sequels, the first two with Mel Gibson reprising his role. Gibson’s portrayal of the anti-hero is in direct contrast to his more likable and charismatic roles in other moves. Bringing to life a character that’s induces emotions of love, hate and pity in a plot centered around revenge only demonstrate the great talent of Gibson, already evident at 21. Mad Max 2 released in 1981 went by the Road Warrior in America. Beyond Thunderdome saw Gibson make his first million dollar salary. Released in 1985 and co-staring Tina Turner, it was highly anticipated. Road Fury in 2015 had Tom Hardy replace Gibson portraying Max Rockantansky. And a 4th sequel is in the works.

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Author: Battlestar