The Last Chase Poster

The Last Chase

A dystopian story about America in the year 2011. A large part of the world’s population has been killed by a pandemic and in the midst of the chaos and panic, democracy collapses into a totalitarian police state. Boston becomes the new seat of power for the dictatorial government, outlawing the ownership of cars, boats and aircraft, on the lie of climate change and that fossil fuels will soon be exhausted. All personal freedoms have been lost and surveillance cameras monitor everyone’s lives.

One man, an ex-race car driver (Lee Majors), longs for his former right to choose his own roads and destiny. He reassembles his race car hidden from confiscation, and sets out for “Free California” which has broken away from the new regime, aided by a young technically smart teen (Chris Makepeace) who feels ostracized from society. Agents of the new government must stop this man at any cost to destroy the symbology he represents, and the instability that such a desire for personal autonomy could mean to the society. An ageing Korean War veteran (Burgess Meredith). is given an F-86 Sabre jet and called back into service in an effort to destroy this threat to state’s imposed social order. As a government official summed up the situation, “People going where they want… when they want… This could set us back to the 1980s.”

Worth a watch to answer the question…is this prophetic, or a farce (imagine California advocating fossil fuels) ?

Author: Battlestar