Tales of the Golden Monkey

In the early 80s everyone had Indiana Jones mania and Tales of the Gold Monkey was an obvious attempt to cash in on it. The series only lasted one year from 1982 to 1983 which in many ways sad. Sure, the storylines were trite and the acting was often over the top. However, there was something absolutely charming in the series. Especially, the dog named Jack who made the entire series very family oriented. Which, I might add, was despite the good looking Caitlin O’Heaney often being in a wet blouse that showed off her figure.

All things considered equal, this show is really fun to watch. It represents the mentalities of the early 1980s culture that praised masculine bravado and courage. The last time where daring and perseverance was all a man needed to get the girl.

See the full series

Author: Battlestar